Way to Lappeenranta

soooo finally my first post from Finland =)

My journey started two days ago on Monday. I woke up at 3am. First 3 hours car ride to Munich airport, where I met a couple (a guy and a girl) also studying at my university at home and who also are going to Lappeenranta for exchange. After some delay then takeoff was at about 11am in Munich. About 2 hours later already we arrived in Helsinki -> It was the first time standing on Finnish ground for me!! (That’s one small step for a man, but… – well that’s a different story 😉

At Helsinki airport at ‘check in’ for Lappeenranta we (me and the other two from my university) met a French girl, who will also study in Lappeenranta for exchange and we have seen some more people, who we later also got to know as exchange students. 45min by plane from Helsinki we finally arrived at Lappeenranta at about 17:30. The flight to Lappeenranta was a little strange, because we were flying in an old propeller aircraft. Though the ‘plane’ was already small, there were about only half of the seats occupied, most of them exchange students (about 10).

At the airport in Lappeenranta, which is actually the smallest airport I have ever seen, our tutors were already waiting for us. When you go to Lappeenranta for exchange each student gets assigned to a tutor group (4-6 students). The tutor is a local student helping the newcomers in the beginning and also later with questions and problems. From the airport then we went by taxi to our appartments. I live in a student house in a 2-room shared flat (see last post =). In the same building there live also two other exchange students (a guy and a girl from France), who arrived with the same flight as I did. Most of the other students in that building are Finns, but there are also some more exchange students there, whom I haven’t met yet.

This year there are about 130 exchange students in Lappeenranta, about 20 of them living in some student house in the same street as I live. My roomie I also haven’t met yet, but I was told it is a Finnish guy who already lived at the same appartment last year, but hasn’t yet arrived.

that’s it for the moment, I don’t have too much time… about the first evening and impressions I am going to write soon! =)

Stay tuned…

~ by Markus Dietrich on August 27, 2008.

2 Responses to “Way to Lappeenranta”

  1. Well, that is great that they waited for you at the airport. Here it is not that good organized. I have to go on Friday somewhere to the university and don’t have a clue how that is going on. But I will see… 😉

  2. In spätestens zwei Wochen hätte ich dann gern ne Auskunft an welchem Wochenende 2 Quadratmeter auf deinem Zimmerboden frei sind. Ich bin so fucking neidisch auf euch da draussen 😦

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